1 Essence Massage
Morning puffiness, promote the circulation of the fluid through the eye cream ingredients to massage the eye immediately after wash. Essence is applied in the palm of your hand inside of the wrist joints, face down, pressing the swelling of the eyelids and stay awhile, repeated 3 times can effectively slow down the puffiness.
2 quickly inject water and nutrients to the eye
Injected nutrients and vitality to the skin around the eye, driven by its own circulation and detoxification capacity for relaxation and swelling of the eye because of staying up late and pressure, swelling of lies. Take advantage of just washing the face, immediately before putting the replenishment Mask, the best is a gel-type, to import nutrition moisturizing ingredients to the skin to promote compact eye skin.
3 essential black frame, covered beautifully
The event the day of puffy eyes quite tired eyes glazed, or change to wear glasses, either plain glass or prescription, can help you hide the signs of fatigue and swollen eyes, even without eye makeup can confidently go out.
4 iced cucumber poultice eye
Often addicted to these bars and nightlife, got drunk and party until midnight the next day still does not see edema? The secret is to get up after a small cucumber ground into mud after iced, and then deposited in the eye for 10 to 15 minutes, cucumber heat swelling and detoxification effect, eliminate edema is simple and effective.

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